आयुध निर्माणी मेदक
Ordnance Factory Medak
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              DOO DOCUMENT

Infantry Combat Command Vehicle BMP-IIK is a modification of Infantry Combat Vehicle BMP-II. It is  designed for operational control of motorised rifle battalion subunits, orientation on the terrain and conduct of combat operations under conditions of employment of nuclear missile weapon.

 As compared with Infantry Combat  Vehicle BMP-II, Infantry Combat command Vehicle BMP-IIK is Provided with five working places for the crew, the driver’s ,staff officers(on the seat of bow gunner trooper the vehicle BMP-II), gunners, motorised rifle battalion commanders (on the seat of the commander in vehicle BMP-II), radio operators (instead of the working places of the gunners_troopers in the left hand troop compartment in vehicle BMP-2) and one reserve seat (instead of the working places of the gunner_troopers in the right compartment in vehicle BMP-2).

 As compared to vehicle BMP-2 Infantry Combat Command Vehicle BMP-IIK is additionally equipped with the following equipment according to the purpose:

  • Electric Charging set AB1-P 28,5-B-1
  • Navigation equipment ALNS(advanced Land Navigation System
  • Tadiran radio set  with antenna.
  • Intercom Digital Control Harness