Ordnance Factory Ambarnath (OFA) is one of the glittering stars among the galaxy of Ordnance Factories, operating under Ordnance Factory Board, Ministry of Defence. OFA was set up with core competence in the field of Non-Ferrous Metallurgical production and later on High Strength Al. Alloy Extruded products were added.
The Factory was established during the World War II period. Construction commenced during 1942 and Production during 1944. The Factory was initially set up with following major facilities:
► Brass Melting and Ingot Making.
► Hot and Cold Rolling of Strips.
► Blanking and Cupping.
► Deep Drawing to produce Medium Cartg. Cases.
► Deep Drawing to produce Heavy Cartg. Cases.
► Heat Treatment Facilities.
► Tool Room Facilities.
► Testing Facilities.
OFA is an important unit under M&C Division of OFB, providing a unique combination of Metallurgical and Engineering facilities to meet up a variety of derived demands of various Ammunition group of factories.