To ensure security, technical measures have been taken. Each user has to reset password mandatorily. || Facility to apply for multiple items against multiple advertisement introduced. For details Click here || Single Vendor – Single Vendor Code – Single Registration Certificate
Please Note:-
All the factories under AVNL group have off-boarded from this OVRA platform w.e.f 01 December 2024. All vendor registration related processes will take place at
Please Note:-
Starting from June 3, 2024 all vendor registration processes for Munitions India Limited (MIL) will exclusively take place on their new platform:
Please Note:-
All vendor registration processes for Troop Comforts Limited (TCL) are available on new platform of TCL :
Please Note:-
All the factories under YIL group have off-boarded from this OVRA platform w.e.f 01 November 2024
All the vendors are requested to update their profile regarding Category of Industry in view of the revised criteria for classification of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) issued by Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India (Vide Ministry of MSME Gazette Notification No. 1532 Dated 01-06-2020). The updation may be done through the menu 'Profile' available in the Home Page after login by the Vendors.
The Indian Ordnance Factories organization - a family of 41 Ordnance Factories under the aegis of its headquarters Ordnance Factory Board (OFB), Kolkata - possesses the unique distinction of over 200 years’ experience in Defence production. We are engaged in production of comprehensive product range in the area of land, sea and air systems.
Goods and services provided by our suppliers have a key impact on the quality of the products, solutions and services we offer to our customers. Vendor Registration is a process through which a vendor associate them self with Ordnance Factory Organisation.
In line with the Government of India's philosophy of ‘Ease of Doing Business’, Vendor Registration process in Ordnance Factories have been simplified and made more business friendly along with following salient features:
- Doing away with 'Ex-ante Capacity Verification' in most of the cases
- Making Vendor Registration Centralized (Single Vendor- Single Code- across the Organisation)
- All items are open for registration for all time
- Registration of vendors based on self declared documents

This registration portal has been made centralised. Accordingly previous multiple Vendor Code (factory wise) for a single vendor has been replaced with single Vendor code across the organisation with centralised registration certificate.
Steps for Application for Registration