The principal factor in the performance of Field Gun Factory is attainment of quality which purports adherence to the guiding particulars or all types of undertaken manufacture. The factory has an established procedure based on internationally recognized concepts as enunciated in ISO 9000 series specification. Growing confidence, reliability and inalienable conformance to design requirements monitor interchangeability muability, functioning safety and thus, guarantees DEPENDABLE USABILITY to thus our valued customers.
Quality control measures have a distinguished series of testing equipment, like Direct Reading spectrograph, Gas Analysers etc., essentially required for production of special High Alloy. Steels Coloured metallography Magnetic Particle Testing Ultrasonic testing equipments which enthuses reliability in the metallurgical products of the factory are used.
Reicherter Hardness Testing Machine Having Integrated digital display with Milling Facilities Jarrel Ash Direct Reading Spectrograph with Teletype. Leco Gas Analyser for hydrogen, Oxygen & Nitrogen.
Chemical Laboratory functional and stagewise checking of products.
50 T Avery Denison Universal Tensile Testing Machine.
Wolfred/Avery Impact Testing machine for testing at ambient and subzero temperatures upto (-) 50 deg C
Kraut Krammer/ Kari Deutsh Ultrasonic Testing Machines.
Magnetic Sorting Bridge.
Magnetic Crack Detector, Lathe Type.
Leitz Metallurgical Microscope with 80-2000 magnification & Micro - photograph facilities. Metallurgical Macro & Micro analysis facilities.
Chemical analysis facilities for effluents.
RockweU, Vickers & Brinell Hardness Testing Machines.
Latest measuring and testing facilities for Intricate Rnish Machined- Profiles, Internal & External on 3 co-Qrdinate measurement machine.