This store used as distress signal during day and night operation. It gives a dense cloud of orange smoke and travels slowly high up in the sky which can be easily seen by Aircraft or other ships during daytime. It also gives a vivid red flare without spurting and visible at night.
The smoke start emitting on release of striker by activating the fork by hand. The striker hits the cap and ignites the composition thereby emitting the smoke. Similarly, on the flare side. The cap is activated by striker thereby igniting the flare composition.
Technical Specification:
Estimated mass: 200 g.
Net Explosive content: 54 g (approx.).
Length: 148 mm.
Diameter: 43.3 mm.
Smoke Emission Time: 20 ± 2 sec.
Duration of flare: 20 ± 2 sec.
Color configuration: Dense Orange Smoke.
Shelf life: 5 years.