आयुध निदेशालय (समन्वय एवं सेवाएं)
Directorate of Ordnance (Coordination and Services)
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The Beginning

The history and development of Indian Ordnance Factories is directly linked with the British reign in India. East India company of England for their economic interest in India and to increase their political hold considered military hardware as vital element. During 1775 British authorities accepted the establishment of Board of Ordnance in Fort William, Kolkata. This marks the official beginning of the Army Ordnance in India.
In 1787 a gun powder factory was established at Ishapore which started production from 1791 (location at which Rifle Factory was established in 1904). In 1801 a Gun Carriage Agency at Cossipore, Kolkata (presently known as Gun & Shell Factory, Cossipore) was eatablished and production started from 18th March, 1802. This is the first Industrial establishment of Ordnance Factories which has continued its existence till date.

Growth of Indian Ordnance Factories

The growth of the Ordnance Factories leading to its present setup has been continuous but in spurts. There were 18 ordnance factories before India became independent in 1947. 23 factories have been established after independence - mostly, in wake of defence preparedness imperatives caused by the three major wars fought by the Indian Armed forces.

Main Events

Main events in the evolution of Ordnance Factory can be listed as below:
  • 1801 - Establishment of Gun Carriage Agency at Cossipore, Kolkata.
  • 1802 - Production started from 18th March 1802 at Cossipore.
  • 1906 - The Administration of Indian Ordnance Factories came under a separate charge as 'IG of Ordnance Factories'.
  • 1933 - Charged to 'Director of Ordnance Factories'.
  • 1948 - Placed under direct control of Ministry of Defence.
  • 1962 - Dept. of Defence Production was set up at Ministry of Defence.
  • 1979 - Ordnance Factory Board came into existence from 2nd April.
  • 2021 - Corporatisation of Indian Ordnance Factories and Dissolution of OFB from 1st October

Creation of 7 DPSUs and Directorate of Ordnance (Coordination and Services)

In pursuance of the decision of the Union Cabinet on 16thJune, 2021, DDP/MoD vide O.M. No. 1(5)/2021/OF/DP(Plg-V)/01 dated 24thSeptember, 2021 conveyed the decision of Government of Indiato corporatise the functions of the 41 production units (Ordnance Factories) of the erstwhile Ordnance Factory Board (“OFB”), functioning under the Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence (“DDP”).
Accordingly, with effect from 1stOctober, 2021 (“Appointed Date”), the management, control, operations and maintenance of 41 Ordnance Factorieswere transferred to 7 Government companies (wholly owned by the Government of India), namely
  1. Munitions India Limited (MIL)
  2. Armoured Vehicles Nigam Limited (AVNL)
  3. Advanced Weapons and Equipment India Limited (AWEIL)
  4. Troop Comforts Limited (TCL)
  5. Yantra India Limited (YIL)
  6. India Optel Limited (IOL)
  7. Gliders India Limited (GIL)
OFB, which had been set up vide Ministry of Defence letter no. 1(82)/78/D(Fy.I) dated 09.01.1979, ceased to exist as a bodywith effect from 1stOctober, 2021.
Furthermore, in accordance with the decision of Government of India, the Directorate of Ordnance (Coordination & Services) (“Directorate”) under the Department of Defence Production (“DDP”) was formed vide DDP/MoD O.M. No. 1(5)/2021/OF/DP(Plg-V)/04 dated 24thSeptember, 2021, with effect from 1st October, 2021, as a replacement to the erstwhile Ordnance Factory Board (“OFB”) Head Quarter.