1 Firm shall submit their request of samples for testing, duly countersigned by authorized rep.
2 Firm has to fill all the information/parameters in the website VERY CAREFULLY. Any wrong information will lead to rejection of the testing/non acceptance of the sample for testing. Firm is requested to specify test method. If same is not mentioned, testing will be carried out with OFM/Laboratory’s own suitable methodology/standard/procedure and will not be disclosed, thus results furnished and no futhur correspondence in this regard will be accepted. Submitting proper and complete details will be the Firm/it’s authorized Rep responsibility.
3 Special care is desired for:
a) Complete details of name, address and authorized representative etc. of the unit applying.
b) Source of material - It has to be very specific. It should mention only single name, multiple names will not be considered.
c) Fee particulars to be filled very carefully. Mistake if any, will only be on the part of firm applying for the testing.
4 The certificate will be issued provisionally, valid for one month time.
5 As samples will be consumed during testing, so will be discarded immediately, hence not returned and no further claim in this regard will be entertained.
6 Firm shall immediately submit its request + scanned copy of proof of payment from its official e-mail to OFM email id: ofmlab[dot]ofb[at]ofb.gov.in
7 Firm shall submit sample at OFM along with request letter mentioning complete details represented by the sample/s.
d) Sample size (as per OFM website)
e) Testing fee (as per OFM website)
Payment Details:
Executive Director
Ordnance Factory Muradnagar A Unit of Yantra India Ltd.
Account No. : 40431144820
IFSC : SBIN0002425
BANK NAME : SBI Muradnagar
8 Sample collection time (Monday to Friday in laboratory): Morning - 10:30 AM to 12:00 AM
9 Samples to be forwarded on following address:
Attn: ……………..Gp. head
C/o Head/Laboratory
Under the aegis of Yantra India Limited (Ministry of Defence)
Phone No. : 01232-228910*2458.
10 Results uploading time: 4.30 pm (Evening)
11 Saturday, Sunday and national holidays -- Closed
12 During untoward incidents/lock down is in force, testing time may vary.
In case of any query (Name of the Nodal Officer)
Shri M. K. Meena, Works Manager/OFM,
Phone no.: 9412223640, 9412223641 Ext: 2229
Email :- ofmlab[dot]ofb[at]ofb.gov.in
Disclaimer: Anything contained in this document would not lead to any legal claim on part of an individual for any purpose. |