Application fee of Rs. 10/- by way of cash against proper receipt or by Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque/IPO drawn in favors of General Manager Ordnance Factory Kanpur payable at Kanpur.
Appellate Authority (AA)
Name and Designation of the Officer
Shri Musharraf Ali,
Principal Director
Phone: 0512, 2971698
Contact Information:
Mobile No: 8004938947
Fax-No: 0512,2971742
Email: musharrafai[dot]ofb[at]ofb.gov.in
Center Public Information Officer (CPIO)
Name and Designation of the Officer
Shri Anand Dubey,
Deputy Director
Phone: 0512,2971704
Contact Information:
Mobile No: 9450508821
Fax-No: 0512,2971742
Email: ananddubey[dot]ofb[at]ofb.gov.in
Center Public Information Officer (CPIO)
Name and Designation of the Officer
Shri Rajeev Arora ,
Asst. Director
Phone: 0512, 2971698
Contact Information:
Mobile No: 7905433603
Fax-No: 0512,2971742
Email: rajeevarora[dot]ofb[at]ofb.gov.in
Center Public Information Officer (CPIO)
Name and Designation of the Officer
Shri Arvind Kumar,
Jr. Works Manager
Phone: 0512, 2971698
Contact Information:
Mobile No: 9621934691
Fax-No: 0512, 2971742
Email: karvind275[at]rediffmail[dot]com