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अखंडता संधि

Adoption of Integrity Pact in Ordnance Factories Organization

In consonance with CVC Communication No. 007/VGL/033, Office Order No. 41/12/07, dated 04.12.2007 regarding Adoption of Integrity Pact in major Government procurement activities, Ordnance Factory Board has taken the following measures towards Adoption of Integrity Pact in Ordnance Factories Organization :
(i) A pre-contract Integrity Pact, as approved by MOD, has been circulated to all Ordnance Factories for implementation in procurement cases for contract value of Rs.100 Crore and above.
(ii) With the approval of CVC, two Independent External Monitors (IEMs) namely Justice (Retd.) R. N. Ray (Mishra) and Shri K. Dwarkanath, DGOF & Chairman (Retd.), OFB have been appointed to oversee the implementation of Integrity Pact in Ordnance Factories Organization. The detailed particulars of the two IEMs are as under :

1. Name: Justice (Retd.) R. N. Ray (Mishra)
Address: AK-136, Sector-II, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata - 700 064
Telephone No. : (033) 2359 1060.
2. Name: Shri K. Dwarkanath, DGOF & Chairman (Retd.), OFB
Address: B-304, Adarash Palace, 47th Cross, 5th Block, Jayanagar,
Bangalore - 560 041
Telephone No. : (080) 2664 0555, Mobile No. 09845953303.
Download format of Pre-Contract Integrity Pact